We used to love to go tent camping. As the years have gone by it has gotten harder and harder for us to do with Evan's medical needs. Many times when we walk on the Grover Beach board walk and head over near the Pismo beach campground my heart kind of aches for the family fun of camping. A few weeks ago, April came up with the idea for us to go camping with her family while Evan was at Camp Harmon. So, Mike and I jumped at the chance. This would be Thomas and Corbin's first ever camping trip. We still had lots of camping equipment including a nice big tent!!
So, we made reservations online at Folsom Lake. Our first choice, Beale's Campground area was full. The next choice was the Peninsula area. It had several open spaces. We didn't really look at the map to see exactly where this campground was at on the lake. In fact Mike and I had never been to Folsom Lake before. It wasn't until the night before when I was printing out maps that I realized this campground was "isolated" and clear on the other side of the lake a whole 45 minutes from the Beale's campsite. Yikes, we were in for a long day!!
The plan was to drop Evan off at his camp at 2pm, then head to the Sacramento area. We knew one big challenge would be the traffic. I didn't realize how long it would take to get Evan checked it, we waited forever in the line with the nurses to go over his meds etc. We finally hit the road at 3pm, knowing we wouldn't get to the campground until late. April and Matteo were going to meet us there. Well, of course traffic was bad. At least we didn't get lost. The road to the campground was curvy and slow, but very pretty. A beautiful sunset greeted us when we arrived at the lake! But, lo and behold, no April and family. We said a little prayer and then proceeded to set up our tent before it grew too dark. I was so happy to see them a few minutes later. They had been delayed with shopping and the long drive.
It was fun to set up camp together and cook our late dinner over a fire. The boys were great and we enjoyed our time at the campground. The first night being a Thursday was very quiet. Friday night was more crowded and noisy.
It was great to be with April's family, they fished and swam in the lake and we read and sang songs and eat together. Just like camping should be!! It was wonderful!!
Brotherly love!! |
The phone service at camp left much to be desire, but was fun, nonetheless!! |
Nothing like a little root beer on a hot day!! |
Foil dinners! We had sweet and sour chicken one night and meat and potatoes the next, oh, and garlic bread! |
Very weird feather memorial for geese! |
Still in love after all these years. |
Sunset on the lake. |
Bacon cooking! Yummy!! |
Hmmm, I wonder what mischief he got into inside the tent!! |
Matteo and Corbin off to fish! |
Yummy apple!! |
Waking up to breakfast with a daddy hug on the side! |
Yummy bacon! |
Don't you love their little outdoorsy atire?? |
Watermelon to help cool off! |
I wish I could still squat like that!! |
Grandpa fun! |
Thomas and Corbin out for a little adventure!! |
1 comment:
Cindy, I've been trying to reach you ever since you posted your comment on our Question of the Month. Please go to "The Liahona Project ... faith and direction" (www.theliahonaproject.net) and use the Contact Us tab. We want to publish your writing to a larger audience. Lisa Riska, Site Director (Apparently, I have an incorrect email address for you.)
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