Where ever did your talkativeness come from? Not from me or dad!! Whenever a camera was on, you were there, especially if it was a video camera. You would jump out in front of everyone just to tell us what's going on. I'm surprised you didn't become a TV reporter!! We always tease you that the noise level goes up when you are home. But, in all honesty, I love it!!!
I love how you would always write me little letters and poems. Remember these??

Click image to see better.
Remember when you were a toddler, oh, how you loved to climb!
I'll never forget the day you knocked the whole thing over on yourself. You are so lucky you survived without a scratch. Poor little fish, they were NOT so lucky!!! I don't think you climbed much after that!!
What a little cutie. This is your kindergarten picture. I'm so sorry I missed your first day of school. I know that was very hard for you. My heart felt very pulled that day! Thanks for being understanding that I needed to be with Evan in the hospital.
I love all the beautiful poems you wrote. I wish I still had your book of poetry. Why did I ever give that back to you??? Here is a poem I found at the house.
As I look out at the ocean
Big, blue green and gray
It spreads out forever
a vast never-ending sea of water.
Still and silent for a moment
Then violent and vicious the next
Wide and wondrous and mysterious.
And as I gaze up at the sky
And watch white fluffy clouds
In all shapes and sizes fly
Around the earth ever-changing.
And when I lay down at night
And try to count the countless
multitudes of shining stars
I marvel at nature's masterful beauty.
As I watch the sun come up
and gloriously go under the horizon
And watch the clouds change color
In hues of purple and pink
And as I look around at trees,
flowers, and mountains
a love stirs within my heart
For all of God's creations.
When I look around and up
And before my eyes
I can not doubt nor can I deny
That there is truly a God and
That I have a Father in Heaven.
Written by,
Katie 4-25-98
I appreciate how you have helped the search for our ancestors. Remember this poem you wrote.
Trembling I reach for you.
I had been praying and searching
Hoping I'd find you.
Years had gone by
And you remained on my mind.
A Mystery.
I prayed,
I searched.
My heart grew weary.
Then I found you.
Now with eyes teary I read your words.
You bear the name of my ancestors.
And they come alive again.
Written by, Katie
Remember how you always enjoyed playing Mary in our annual family nativity. You were always a beautiful Mary.

Before you graduated high school you earned your Young Woman Medallion!! Remember all the goals you completed?? You did a great job!!
Off you went to college. You seemed so far away!! We always teased you because you didn't go to college nearer to home. But, I'm so glad that you choose a place near to your Grandma, Grandpa and other family. Made me feel better to know someone was close by and I know they loved having you near too.
What a blast we had at Buca Di Beppo's celebrating your graduation Italian style!!
Then you found your sweetie!! Brad is such a great guy! How did you get so lucky?
You were such a beautiful bride!! I'm so happy you got married in the Temple!! I remember how you hated to take off your lovely wedding dress! I know you felt like a princess and you looked like one!!
Now here you are 26 years old. We had so much fun celebrating your birthday with you!! You are my Thanksgiving baby!! I'm very grateful for you in my life!!
You have grown to be a wonderful, talented, caring woman! I know that you have challenges, but I also know that you can be strong and happy! One day your greatest dream and desire will come true. I know it!! I love you!!

Click image to see better.
Remember when you were a toddler, oh, how you loved to climb!

I love all the beautiful poems you wrote. I wish I still had your book of poetry. Why did I ever give that back to you??? Here is a poem I found at the house.
As I look out at the ocean
Big, blue green and gray
It spreads out forever
a vast never-ending sea of water.
Still and silent for a moment
Then violent and vicious the next
Wide and wondrous and mysterious.
And as I gaze up at the sky
And watch white fluffy clouds
In all shapes and sizes fly
Around the earth ever-changing.
And when I lay down at night
And try to count the countless
multitudes of shining stars
I marvel at nature's masterful beauty.
As I watch the sun come up
and gloriously go under the horizon
And watch the clouds change color
In hues of purple and pink
And as I look around at trees,
flowers, and mountains
a love stirs within my heart
For all of God's creations.
When I look around and up
And before my eyes
I can not doubt nor can I deny
That there is truly a God and
That I have a Father in Heaven.
Written by,
Katie 4-25-98
I appreciate how you have helped the search for our ancestors. Remember this poem you wrote.
Trembling I reach for you.
I had been praying and searching
Hoping I'd find you.
Years had gone by
And you remained on my mind.
A Mystery.
I prayed,
I searched.
My heart grew weary.
Then I found you.
Now with eyes teary I read your words.
You bear the name of my ancestors.
And they come alive again.
Written by, Katie

Before you graduated high school you earned your Young Woman Medallion!! Remember all the goals you completed?? You did a great job!!
Off you went to college. You seemed so far away!! We always teased you because you didn't go to college nearer to home. But, I'm so glad that you choose a place near to your Grandma, Grandpa and other family. Made me feel better to know someone was close by and I know they loved having you near too.
Then you found your sweetie!! Brad is such a great guy! How did you get so lucky?

Now here you are 26 years old. We had so much fun celebrating your birthday with you!! You are my Thanksgiving baby!! I'm very grateful for you in my life!!

Happy Birthday Katie!!
Is Katie the daughter who plays Toontown but doesn't like to have secret friends and hear all that chatting? :)
Cindy-she looks a lot like you. She is a beauty! :)
Happy Birthday Katie!! I was just telling the girls how I have a cousin named Katie, and Ben has a cousin named Kati, and they have a cousin named Katie. Isn't that fun?!
I really like the poems, sometimes things can be said in poems that are hard to express any other way
Thanks Mom,
But I am a horrible journal writer as you can see by my pathetic attempts at blogging.
I forgot about all those poems and I have no idea where my poem book is. Are you sure I have it? I just looked around at places where it might be but did not find anything.
Thanks for feauturing me and I am sure Brad thanks you for feeding my ego.
Love you mom,
Katie aka Lemony Snickett
What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. Congratulations on rearing such a fine young woman.
By the way, Astromom is in my personal history writer's group. She can REALLY write! Her poems are wonderful.She and your katie should be friends.
Thanks for all the comments.
Aprilyn: Yes, she is the one!! She wrote a really cute poem one time about how she looked like her mom and ended it by saying it was a good thing she didn't look like her Dad! Very funny!!!
Liz: Lots of Katie's makes life fun!! I was surprised when Grandma started calling Caitlyn, Katie! But alas, they call my Katie, Katie Rose so that helps with the confusion!!!
Katie Rose: You better find that book!!!
Happy Birthday Katie!! We love you even when you are loud.
By the way mom, it is me who is the journal writer. I have missed less than 10 days in the pass 6 years. Love ya anyways.
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