The paper work is in and received!! I should get the call from my
Stake President very soon! I'm going to be serving as an "at home"
Church Service Missionary for the
Family History Department. I will be helping people with family history via phone calls and e-mail. You can read about this type of mission
here. It is very exciting with the new Family Search.org coming out soon!! I love family history , so this is going to be great!! It will be a wonderful way to spend my
TIME this year!!
I can't wait to hear all the wonderful stories!!!
You go girl!!!
Wow, I had no idea. Good for you. I do not have the family history bug but hope that someday I will get bitten. Congratulations! How many hours a week will you work?
Are you going to be able to blog? I hope so, I really do.
Thanks for asking Lynn.
They ask that you work at least two four hour blocks a week!! So, that will be no problem at all me. If I need to go out of town to take Evan to a specialist I can take a day off, if it is my regular day to work. I can even take a vacation to see the grandkids by going on a leave of absence. Sounds perfect to me!!
Cindy, you've just been called on what I would consider the "perfect mission" (they're all perfect, but this one is extra-special perfect). I know by the stories you have written about your family, that you will be a great FH Missionary! Some of the most memorable experiences I have had since I joined the Church 30 years ago have happened while doing family research.
I hope you'll be able to share some of your experience with us on your blog.
That's awesome Cindy!! I hope you get your mission call soon!
Ooh fun! I was just playing on the new family search last night! So exciting. My husband found several of his close relatives without their work done! We can hardly wait to go to the Temple and get on it!
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