1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people
The nearest book to me was The AAA Tour Book for Northern California and Nevada. Page 123, fifth sentence is:
"The vast quantities and varieties of vegetable and fruits grown in the area have earned the Salinas Valley the nickname, "Salad Bowl of the Nation."

So there you go!! If you want salad go to Salinas, but make sure you take a trip over to the coast and visit Monterey!! They have a great aquarium and Dennis the Menace Park is awesome!! That is a lot more fun than watching lettuce and spinach grow!!
As far a tagging people, well I don't like to tag people so if you want to do it you can, if you don't, don't!!
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