As we headed to Santa Maria for an appointment this afternoon we saw a large caravan of firetrucks. The logo on the side said Elder Dorado County. That is up by South Lake Tahoe, at least an eight hour drive to the north. My heart filled with gratitude for these brave men and women. We could only assume they were headed to Santa Barbara to help fight the horrible fire down there. My desire was to tell them thank you, as we passed them on the freeway. A simple thumbs up was all it took to bring a smile to their faces. I'm so grateful for those people who put their life on the line and sacrifice time away time from their families to help fight these wildfires. Our prayers are with the residents of Santa Barbara and the firefighters. My God bless them.
Amen! We have seen those types of caravans here too after hurricanes and wildfires. Power trucks rendevous in the local Lowes parking lot then off to where ever they are needed. It is awesome to see them come from such far distances. During the firestorm of 1998 they came from Oregon to Florida. They were super surprised to see green trees ignite in flames. To them the greenery meant moisture. Not here. They are a blessing no doubt about it.
Yay for firefighters!
After reading your post on Christian Cougars and then seeing that you put Elder Dorado instead of El Dorado I can't help but smile and think that someone has some serious missionary spirit! Thumbs up!
Hee Hee, that's funny. I didn't know that I did that!! I struggle with proof reading because I know what I meant to write and that's what I read!! I do have missionary spirit!! I love being a missionary!!
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