Kyle has one very incredible mother. She worked so hard to get her little one here to start their little family.

Kyle has one very special Daddy too!! Brad insists that Kyle will be a carpenter just like him and be working a circular saw by age six months. Hopefully, it will be a plastic one!!
Sometimes when babies are born they need medical attention. Kyle is a very smart baby. He let his nurses know he was having a hard time swallowing. So, they investigated further. His little esophagus was not attached to his stomach and he had a connection between his esophagus and trachea. Yesterday, little Kyle had surgery to connect all the right parts with the right pieces. He is in the NICU at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. The doctors expect him to be in the hospital for 2 to 4 weeks. We can see and feel Heavenly Father's blessings through this trial. We appreciated those who have prayed and fasted for little Kyle and hope you will continue to have him and his parents in your prayers.

Then Kyle will be able to come home with his parents. What a joyous day that will be!!

Then Kyle will be able to come home with his parents. What a joyous day that will be!!
Thanks for posting all these great pictures of Kyle, Katie and Brad. I am glad the surgery went well. We will keep praying for him and hope that he will make it out of the hospital as soon as possible. I know how scary it is to be a first time mom, and have something wrong with your baby. I know it must be really hard for Katie and Brad not to have him home with them already. Give them lots of hugs for us!
We'll be praying for him. I'm glad he was able to get help so quickly.
Sorry. That was me.
Oh Cindy, he is so adorable. What a cute baby! I was looking at your blog earlier, and my two little ones noticed and came over to see the pictures of the baby. A tear was rolling down my cheek and they asked why I was sad. So, I told them about my good friend Katie (Jamie remembered her from when we went over to your house) and explained how her baby is a little sick and all about the esophagus, but that he is going to be just fine. They were both so concerned (even little Anna) and they said to tell you to give the baby a kiss. We are praying for him! Take good care of Katie, and tell her hi for me!
Kyle does have a great family. By the way, Mom, the circular saw that Kyle will be pushing is not plastic. It's made of wood...and guess who made it?!
Your blog has the best right after birth pictures, my blog has the Loma Linda pre surgery pictures, and Katies has the post surgery pictures, I am so looking forward to the going home pictures...You can hear in Brads voice each day, that Kyle is improving, and Katie is doing well. How blessed we are.
Cindy, how frightening. I am glad he has had surgery already--poor little tyke--and that things went well. I have sent a little prayer to Heavenly Father for him.
PS Is it my imagination or is Kyle smiling?!
Thank you everyone for the prayers, it really does help.
Yes, Lynn. Little Kyle likes to smile.
Hi Cindy, Kyle is a lucky little baby to be born into such a loving, capable, faithful family, especially with you for a grandma:) Congrats! Thoughts and prayers are with all of you!
You've all been in our prayers. I know that HF hears and answers prayers. He looks stronger in each picture. Our love to each of you.
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