My mom, Virginia. Since tomorrow we will be celebrating my 55 year on this earth, I thought it would only be appropriate to feature the woman who made that happen. Born to poor immigrant Italians around 1919 in Ontario, Canada, she was their second and last child together. Life was hard in those days. The family lived on a farm. When my mom was a young girl her father left the family for another women, and my grandma raised those two little girls alone.
Mom and her sister Eva with their dog Laddie, circa 1920's
Born with congenital cataracts my mom was visually impaired most of her life. Back then the doctors didn't know how to treat cataracts like they do now. The attempt to scrape the cataracts off only lead to scar tissue which affected her vision. She was teased and called "four eyes" as a little girl, for wearing eye glasses. Later in life my mom would lose all the vision in one eye after surgery to correct glaucoma. And then she could only see out of a pin hole in one eye.

Born with congenital cataracts my mom was visually impaired most of her life. Back then the doctors didn't know how to treat cataracts like they do now. The attempt to scrape the cataracts off only lead to scar tissue which affected her vision. She was teased and called "four eyes" as a little girl, for wearing eye glasses. Later in life my mom would lose all the vision in one eye after surgery to correct glaucoma. And then she could only see out of a pin hole in one eye.
My mom came to the US in the 40's to find work. She meet my Dad in the shoe factory where they both worked. They fell in love got married and had four children. I was the second child and only daughter.
Because of her poor eyesight my mom never drove a car. We walked a lot!! She never complained. After Evan was born my mom was able to come and live nearby us. She was a tremendous help with the kids. It was great to be able to see her all the time
I was happy to be able to give back to her for all the things she did to raise me. In 1999, unable to live alone anymore she lived with us for several months. Then it became apparent it was too difficult to continue to have her in our home and care for a Evan at the same time. So, she moved up to Seattle to be with my two brothers who had no children. It was hard to let her go, but it was the right thing. My brothers have been great with her. Suffering with dementia she has become very frail the past year or two. The last time we saw her she didn't recognize us, but that's ok. I know she still loves me.
One of my fond memories of my mom is when when we were growing up she would get out the Christmas albums and play them in July. Used to drive us kids crazy!!
I learned many things from mom. I learned about being loyal. She stood by Dad when he was having problems with alcohol. She had unconditional love for everyone. Even though my family never attended church together, my mom taught me about my Savior Jesus Christ. She instilled in me excellent morals and standards. I'm ready now for her to go to the other side. I know life will be so much better for her there. She will be able to see and hear and she will know who I am!! I love you mom!!
Happy Birthday tomorrow!! That is a neat tribute to your Mom. I bet she is a really great lady. Wednesday is Marshall's 3rd birthday and then on Thursday I turn 33. What a great month to be born!
That was a very nice tribute. I am glad you have fond memories of grandma. It was nice having her so close to us.
I just caught myself letting out a big, "Sigh", when I finished reading about your mother. I can tell you are at peace with her. I also love my mother, and I'm grateful for that. This post has been a highlight of my day...I think I'll read it again!
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