Father Constantineau is listed in the Handbook of Texas Online as a person who contributed to the history of Texas. How does a Priest from Quebec end up in Texas?? Well, because of ill health and need for a warmer climate. Henry worked in banking after graduation for a few years. Then he decided to become a Priest. He was ordained on May 26 1888. He served in Quebec until illness sent him to San Antonio, Texas. There he was able to make significant changes to the area. He help with finances, with irrigation concerns and easing tension among people.
I found a talk given by Father Constantineau on a historical paper website. He was denouncing the use of alcohol. He said among other things, that alcohol is degrading to the family, an evil worse that any plague and suggested that saloons be closed on Sundays!! I thought...WOW, he would make a great Latter-Day Saint.
I'm so proud of my Catholic ancestors who lived their religion with such devotion!! I hope they are proud of me for the choice in religion I have made.

I'm sure they are proud of you.
Beautiful picture. I have never thought of taking pictures in the cemetary.
Thanks, Lynn.
I had a picture of Father Constantineau but unfortunately I could not find it. I'm not known for my organizational skills.
I actually like to visit cemeteries and take pictures of my ancestors gravestones. Too bad most of them are back East and I'm in the West!!
I didn't realize that we had ancestors that ended up in Texas. I think I have seen the picture that you have of him. Wasn't it with Nelson's civil war picture?
Wait, did you said you had that talk he gave. Is there a way we could see it?
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