One of my favorite books is "Love You Forever " by Robert Munsch. It's about the unconditional love that a mom has for her little son. He grows up and has a little girl that he loves too!! There is a cute little ditty in the book. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby, you'll be!!". My favorite part in the book is in the end where this grown up little boy is rocking is his own mom who is much older in years now and sings to her a little ditty!! So, touching!!
So, I wonder how is it that older people get neglected?? I have a sister ( a sister in the gospel for those who aren't LDS) that I visit teach. Life has been hard for her. She has survived two husbands. She lives all alone. She is delightful, intelligent and loves to talk. There are scriptures in every room of her house so if she thinks of something she doesn't have to go searching for them! I know that Heavenly Father is her friend, although she is frail and I have never seen her in church. Her testimony is a strength to me and I have learned much from her. She is also very lonely. Her son's that live in the area (there are two of them) hardly ever see her and sometimes she doesn't even have food in her refrigerator. How can children not make sure their very own mothers have food?? She lives in a great big house with stairs that leave her out of breath. How can children not make sure their very own mothers have a appropriate place to live?? I try to help as much as I can and see her at least once week!! But there are some things that family NEED to help with. Anyway, the Bishop and Relief Society president are helping me to meet some of her needs. But, I just want to go shake people and say, " take care of your mom!!". Maybe I should give them a copy of "Love You Forever"!!
Aww Cindy!! If I were there, I'd take the boys over to sing her some songs. That is just so sad. Maybe I could make a video or a tape or something of the boys singing. I wish she weren't alone. That is just not right!
I love the book...I'll Love You Forever...
I need to read it to Marshall!
At least you know that your own children will never neglect you. I mean, you do have the most wonderful children in the world.
That is sad about the sister you visit teach.
I am also a fan of the book! I have choked-up a dozen times or more while reading it...once even in the aisle of the book store.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I can't imagine my children ignoring me when we all get "old".
Oh that's one of my favorites! I cry every time I read it. It's really funny now that I have a boy at every stage in the book!
So sad about those selfish boys not taking care of their mom. My Aunt has a lady that she Visit teaches in the same situation. Always neglected, sometimes no food, and the jerk son here in town didn't even come by on Christmas! What is with people?
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