One of the men in my church, Bob, spent about 80 hours recently refinishing the old pinewood derby track that belongs to our Cub Scout pack. He sanded the whole thing, put a lovely floor wax on the track and painted the outside!!

Here is Bob with his masterpiece!!

Here is Bob with his masterpiece!!
Last night was our packs pinewood derby and the boys had a blast. The other thing that Bob did was purchase this really really cool timer and software program. You type in the boys names and it puts all the cars in heats and keeps track of all the scores!! It worked great!
Start you Engines!!!

Our Cubmaster worked really hard too! She made these great plaques for the boys to put their cars on and hang up!!
It was fun to watch, Bob, last night. His kids are grown, but he loves scouting and you could see in his face how happy he was to be of service! What a great example to me!!
That is SO awesome!! I'm going to talk to our COR and ask if we can PLEASE do the Pinewood Derby this year instead of the Space Derby. I think the Pinewood Derby is more fun!
That Bob guy must be so awesome. I wish he lived in my ward and could help me with our Cub Scouts!
Oh, and Aprilyn, he doesn't even has a calling in cub scouting.
Cindy, those are the best kind of people aren't they? I love the people who serve because they love the kids..not because it is their calling! What a wonderful example!
We had a ward pine wood derby last Friday. It was a fund raiser for the scouts. My car lost a wheel!
Matteo's 20 year old car took 8th place, out of 50.
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