My son, David, blogged a little about this the other day. My gratitude is a little more specific. In October 2005 General Conference President Hinckley spoke of the challenges of temple work and family history.
"One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is that as we get more and more temples scattered across the earth there is duplication of effort in proxy work. People in various nations simultaneously work on the same family lines and come up with the same names. They do not know that those in other areas are doing the same thing. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology. Preliminary indications are that it will work, and if this is so, it will be a truly remarkable thing with worldwide implications."
This week I recieved my call to service as a part time, at home, Church service missionary. I will be serving in "Worldwide Support" under the Family and Church History Mission. Worldwide Support!! Isn't that incredible!! When I talked to my Missionary Leader Elder Martinez this week that is one of the things he stressed to me. We are serving people worldwide. That can only be done with modern technology.
On Friday I had the privilege to attend a "new missionary orientation phone conference meeting". I have never done anything like that before. I went to a specific web page, called a phone number and you see and hear everything along with other new missionaries. People from all over the country. We learned how to access the Church's online training. I was so impressed with everything on there. The Church has an amazing intranet system. I will be in training for two months, then I will use the technology to help people with Family Search, the New Family Search, and with PAF (Personal Ancestral File) programs. I'm extremely excited. I'm so grateful to be a very small part of this program inspired by a Prophet using modern technology!!!
Cindy I am impressed by your blog and your ability to be a wonderful missionary. I love your blog. It is very spiritual. I appreciate how you have compared the simple things and complexities of life with the scriptures. Thanks for sharing a very special and sacred part of you.
Thank you Laurel!! You are a very special person in my life and I'm touched by your comment!!
Wow. What a cool calling. Pres. Hinckley really did see the big picture. He was a man with vision. I hope you have great experiences in your responsibilities and will share them with us.
Good luck with your mission!
That is great about your new calling! I like to do the indexing names for Family Search. I guess sometime I should start doing more family history work....but I don't know where to start. :)
The modernism of your church is very impressive. It must be so pleasant to work as an "investigator" in families researches. Is it a voluntary work? or a full time employment? Is it because you're a missionary that you're so involved in your church. Or every member feel as much implicated ? Centralizing informations is the best way to progress,of course. All the best in your mission, and your learning.catherine
My family research is all voluntary. My mission is voluntary. It is because I AM so involved in my church that I want to serve in this manner. You see, we believe in the eternal nature of family. So all family members are important to us! Even those who have passed on.
In the Old Testament there is a scripture that says, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Malachi 4:5-6 I believe you have that Spirit of Elijah within you because you have a love of your ancestors!! Your heart is turned to them!!
Anyone, whether a member of our church of not is welcome to check out www.familysearch.org . It a free serve to help people find their ancestors.
Thank you so much for your well wishes.
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