Monday, May 19, 2008

Why Did We Leave the Coast

We spent a very hot weekend down in Southern California to attend the graduation of my niece Tiffany from college! She graduated cum laude with a bachelors degree in Heath Science!! In August she will start on a Masters!! Way to Go Tiff!!!

Saturday we helped my brother-in-law Steve decorate for the party. Then we spent the evening with Katie and Brad. They made the best Pizza!! The recipes are from the Pizza Deck. We had barbeque chicken pizza and meatball pizza. Very, very yummmy!!!

Then we play a little bit of Ono! You start with seven cards and are suppose to be getting rid of your cards. Someone didn't tell Mike that, seems like he was collecting cards. Then he tried to blame someone else!!

I wanted to show off some of the lovely woodcraft that Katie and Brad have been spending their weekends working on. We were so impressed with the workmanship of the little children furniture.

This is a little dry sink. The lever really works.

Here is the little stove!

Here is the table and chairs.

Half of my children were there on Sunday to celebrate with their cousin! So that is always fun!! Unfortunately is was just a quick weekend trip, but we had fun.

This Tiffany and two of her friends right before the ceremony.

We took the whole wheelchair section. I was glad to see they rented wheelchairs for Grandma and Grandpa so they didn't have to walk so fair.

This was my view of the graduation, until......

someone sat in front of me with a umbrella!! By the way it was in the high nineties, not good for a coastal girl!!

A happy graduate!!

A happy family!! Steve was so proud of his daughter!!

Isn't my nephew Ryan cute? I wish you could see his freckles!!

Tiff and her Dad, enjoying some goodies with Grandma and Grandpa!!

This is Tiffany and her boy friend Ricky. I wish I would have spent more time getting to know him!! Seems like a nice guy!!

John even drove up from San Diego for the day!! It was great to see you John!! He even color coordinated his shirt color with Ricky!!

And last but not least Brad corrupting Caitlyn!! But they had fun!!


Catherine said...

I can't believe it! You mean Katie and Brad make the little children furnitures by themselves? I'm really impressed!
Congratulation to Tiffany! Do all the crowd of relatives and friends at the graduation represent the entire college? or many of the area? We aren't used to it, here, you receive your degree by the mail and goodbye! No public celebration except with your own family and friends.
Is there someone to help Mike! Please, he doesn't have enough with one hand to hold his cards!
Hide some discreetly in your sleeves, Mike : )

Cindy Price said...

Yes, Catherine, Katie and Brad made the furniture themselves. I was very impressed also!! Brad kept wanting to point out the flaws, but I didn't see them!! He is so humble!!

Each college has it's own public graduation ceremony with lots of pomp and circumstance and all the robes and garb. It's all pretty cool. There are usually talks that no one will remember afterward!! Then each person's name is called and they are given a paper that isn't really their diploma. The real one gets mailed to them. It just looks like they get it then. Then most people have celebrations on their own afterwards.

Your comment about Mike made laugh. I can picture him trying to hide cards up his sleeve!!

Laurel said...

So much fun. I am glad that wheelchairs were in fashion and used for grandma and grandpa. That would have done them in to have to walk that far. Looks like all were having fun. Just what was it that Brad was corrupting Caitlyn with? Were they flipping peas at everyone?

Cindy Price said...

Brad and Caitlyn were taking the used poppers sticking them on the fork and shooting the across the room!!

Liz said...

What are Brad and Katie going to do with the furniture they are making? Do they sell it? It sure is cute.

I wish we could have been there to celebrate with Tiffany. She sure is a smart girl!

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