Sunday, June 1, 2008



Dorothy had it right. "There is no place like home."
This week I have been very grateful to just be home. Don't get me wrong I love to go places, especially to see my children. However, it is also so nice to come home!! There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed and cooking your own food in your own kitchen and relaxing on your own couch. And as you can see, I'm so fortunate to live in a really nice house. But, more important than that, we have been able to make our house a wonderful home in which to live. This is where we raised our six children. There are so many memories wrapped up in this house. It is my refuge away from the craziness of the world. My heart goes out to people who don't have a home. I am so grateful for my cheery yellow house on the corner!!


SuperCoolMom said...

Too true! It's always such a relief to be back in your own bed.

Laurel said...

That cheery yellow house and the stories it could tell! I agree that there is no place like home where ever it may be.

Catherine said...

How I understand you Cindy! Your house looks cosy and large. I really dream to have enough place for every one in our apartment. I feel more and more this need since my children are older. So I can undestand how your family share so many good memories in this beautiful house.

Crissybug said...

I love your house! So cute! Home really is the place to be!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

yes a home is a wonderful blessing. One I think we take for granted.

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