The Haunted Kitchen Timer
We walked through the door and there it was again...that same noise we hear every time we are away from home for more than a day or two.
The kitchen timer was screaming at us!!
Who turns the kitchen timer on when we are gone??
Someone or worse yet something is setting the timer and making it ring!!
Is it a ghost??
Is it Mr. Nobody??
(he used to be a familiar visitor at our house when the kids where young)
And why do "they/it" need the timer??
Is the house lonely because it is so quiet when we are gone??
Did someone/thing come and cook something in our absence??
If that is the case the least they could do would be to leave some left overs, don't you think? Some fudge brownies would be most welcome on a return home!!
Do you think I should be scared??

Can you tell, I have an old oven??
So, if you came home to the timer screaming and fresh warm fudge brownies on the counter would you actually eat them?!!! :)
Hello?? If it's chocolate need I say more??
What if it had a ghostly glow to it?
I'd let Dad eat it, because he already glows at night!!
LOL! Spooky!
Ooooooohhhhhh....spoooky! I'm glad you are all OK. When are you going to share your secret?
Does this happen when you ARE home?
Now, about those brownies.
Actually, yes, Lynne it does, but very rarely and usually in the middle of the night!!
I would be happy to share some of the glowing fudge brownies. Want some??
Ok, I think it is time for a new oven!!! ANd then some fudge brownies!
I like your way of thinking, Liz!!!
I think it is the moose in the red overalls.
I agree with David, but I think the green one started it!
"Some fudge brownies would be most welcome on a return home" : your house is not haunted, Cindy but you're a great DREAMER, a DAYDREAMER! : )
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