Libraries are such wonderful places. I have fond memories as a little girl of spending time reading books in the library, and going to Story Hour. Then of course you have to bring some books home. It's something I made sure I did with my own children too!!
For a while, I had stopped going to library. However, I'm trying to read more, so that means I get to spend time in the library again. The library is a quiet, peaceful place. How wonderful to be to go and check out books for free and read about anything or anyone you want. I love the library!!
For a while, I had stopped going to library. However, I'm trying to read more, so that means I get to spend time in the library again. The library is a quiet, peaceful place. How wonderful to be to go and check out books for free and read about anything or anyone you want. I love the library!!
Thanks for taking me to the library when I was a little girl. I love it!! I will try to continue the tradition.
Libraries are awesome! I love that I can request books online, and the library will send me an email when they come in.
I love books wherever they come from.
For us librairy is 'bibliothèque' and Book shop is a 'Librairie', it's the opposite.
I haven't enough time to read more than I do actually, so I need a month to read a book, except during holidays. That's one of my great pleasure too.
And you 're right, to make children love books, parents must be an example, and read with them, share that time with them.
To answer you in return about your comment
I remember some first posts I've read on your blog was your family researches, each of your ancestors had an affectionate tribute with so many informations. With your deep respect for them you won my friendship, I felt, and still feel so close to you regarding your strong family links, and you're a family woman as I am, you "pass on" from ancestors to your children.
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