Several years ago we had a rather delicate situation. It was three o'clock in the morning and everyone was sound asleep!! That is what we are suppose to be doing at that time anyway!! All, of a sudden, we hear a major commotion outside our bedroom window. It's sounds like a major cat fight!! We soon knew what was going on when the most horrid skunk smell you can ever imagine drifted into our bedroom. Apparently, a cat got into a fight with a skunk. It gets worse. The skunk found it's way under our house. (We live on a raised foundation). The smell just permeated the whole house! We could NOT sleep. We could NOT go outside and check things out because it smelled so bad. That was a very long night!! In the morning, it seemed like everything smelled bad. It was horrible. We think the skunk died under our house. If you have a raised foundation, here is a word for the wise. Make sure it's very secure so that no stinky critters can get under your house in the middle of the night!!
What made you think of this? I remember hearing this story. I'm so glad it hasn't happened again. :)
I'm sorry to be laughing. You can't hear me, right? Oh, ha ha ha. What on earth did you do to get the smell out of your house and clothes and off the cat? I would have moved.
OH MY, the word verification is "vaticat." Seems appropriate.
I have absolutely no idea of what you're speaking about. We don't get skunk in our areas, or only in Bambi! I know it's better avoid to cross its path. And haven(t experienced once.
It's so funny . . . after.
Sariah, I don't know what made me think of that. I just made a long list of things I could write about for Monday Memories, and that was one of them. LOL
Lynne, YES!! I did hear you laugh. How rude to laugh at our misfortune!! Actually, we laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at the time!! We just aired out the house, it was only really bad for the first day and everyone was off to school or work.
Catherine, we have wild skunks that wonder all around California. I woke up one morning, opened my living room drapes and two little skunks are in my front yard!! Many times we will be driving and smell that smell, and see "road kill" along the road. Skunks should NOT play on the highway!!
No skunks should NOT play on or near the high way!!
It is curious, something made me think of this recently as well. Perhaps it was while you were thinking of it. I will back you up here, it was STINKY and not funny at the time. As Dad would say, Blech! Catherine, trust us on this one. The skunks in Bambi are the only cute ones in earthly existence.
Fortunately for me, I don't remember this at all! How long ago was it?
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