Christmas time is the perfect time for family traditions! Some of my favorite traditions have been:

- On Dec 1st we hang up our homemade nativity advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas. On Christmas morning before we do anything else we turn over the little Baby Jesus.

- Stockings are hung on the chimney with care. We even hang a stocking for the Baby Jesus, and put our good deeds inside. (This idea came from the old Cary Grant movie, "The Bishop's Wife", which I highly recommend)

- Retelling the Christmas story from Luke 2 on Christmas Eve.
- When the children were little we always had Birthday cake for baby Jesus.
- On Christmas Eve the kids could open one present. You guess it!! PJ'S!!!
- Each year my husband and I find a mushy Christmas card expressing our love for each. This is placed in our stocking Christmas Eve and read to our giggling children Christmas morning.
This is a good idea. I may have to blog about Christmas traditions in a day or so. Loved reading about yours. I'd love to see the advent calendar when it is all turned over. It's beautiful!
Cindy, I love all your Christmas traditions. I love they're in relation with Jesus arrival, more than a consumer's worship like it is too often, now, especially here.
We miss more and more the essential meaning.
My husband gets certainly this movie. I'll watch it.
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