La Befana was spotted last night!!
We were invited to a have Family Home Evening with a few families in our ward. The Italian mythical character, La Befana came as the children, and adults too cried out:
La Befana vien di notte
Con le scarpe tutte rotte
Col vestito alla romana
Viva, Viva La Befana!
English translation :
La Befana comes by night
With her shoes all tattered and torn
She comes dressed in the Roman way
Long life to the Befana!
We were invited to a have Family Home Evening with a few families in our ward. The Italian mythical character, La Befana came as the children, and adults too cried out:
La Befana vien di notte
Con le scarpe tutte rotte
Col vestito alla romana
Viva, Viva La Befana!
English translation :
La Befana comes by night
With her shoes all tattered and torn
She comes dressed in the Roman way
Long life to the Befana!

La Befana had a bag filled with wrapped candy for all the good little boys and girls. Strange, but La Befana looks a lot like my friend, Stella. Stella is more than a friend she is my daughter's mother-in-law and Tommy's other grandma.
Stella was born in Italy and every year she celebrates Epiphany by sharing the story of La Bafana. I'm always happy to be invited because this tradition is part of my heritage too!!

Here is a good book to learn more La Befana, the poor old lady was too busy sweeping and cleaning to go with the Magi to worship the Baby Jesus. She has a change of heart, but is too late, so she wonders Italy giving gifts of candy to children. It is a great lesson to be learned. We should never be like La Befana, sweeping is never more important than the Savior.

Thank you, Stella, we enjoyed our evening!!
Nice to see that you celebrated the Befana arrival ! Was there a lot of good boys, and gorls, this year ? She offers piece of coal to bad boys and girls !
Yes, lots of good boys and girls.
Just like Santa Claus, La Befana offers coal to the bad boys and girls. Good thing I don't know any of them.
Too bad Tommy Baby had to miss it. He is a very good little boy. Whose house was this at?
This was Ken's house. There was much more room, so it was very nice.
Interesting tradition. Cindy the picture at the top of your blog...did you take it? I love it. Could you send me a copy?
Yes, Laurel. I took the picture a few weeks ago. I brought Rachel and Joey down to Shell Beach to watch the sunset. The gazebo is where April and Matteo were engaged. I loved how the seagull was just sitting on the very top!! He flew away right after I snapped the picture. It's a very beautiful spot, right down from the Dinosaur Cave Park. I will send you a copy.
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