"Wherefore,be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." D&C 64:33
Nothing!!! There is nothing better than that! It was so thoughtful of the hospital to let him cone home! They look so cute and like such a happy little family! The Lord has truly blessed your family with his spectacular quick recovery! I put his name in the temple again today when I went. :)
I am so happy that they get to take their little guy home with them. Katie and Brad are such wonderful people, and I know that they are going to be wonderful parents! He sure is a cutie, and looks like such a sweetheart. I think there is nothing so precious than a new baby. I hope everything goes well for their little family.
Yea!! I am so happy for them. Hopefully everything continues to go well. Now I just want to meet him, he is so cute!
Nothing!!! There is nothing better than that! It was so thoughtful of the hospital to let him cone home! They look so cute and like such a happy little family! The Lord has truly blessed your family with his spectacular quick recovery! I put his name in the temple again today when I went. :)
That's great-Congrats! I hope all continues to go well!
My grandson(born on 6/19) came home on Father's day also:)
TOO CUTE! Congrats:)
I am so happy that they get to take their little guy home with them. Katie and Brad are such wonderful people, and I know that they are going to be wonderful parents! He sure is a cutie, and looks like such a sweetheart. I think there is nothing so precious than a new baby. I hope everything goes well for their little family.
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