Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Greatest Father's Day Gift

Kyle came home from the hospital yesterday. What could be better than that??


olivia (tringham) lyman said...

Yea!! I am so happy for them. Hopefully everything continues to go well. Now I just want to meet him, he is so cute!

Laura Lee said...
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Laura Lee said...

Nothing!!! There is nothing better than that! It was so thoughtful of the hospital to let him cone home! They look so cute and like such a happy little family! The Lord has truly blessed your family with his spectacular quick recovery! I put his name in the temple again today when I went. :)

Sue said...

That's great-Congrats! I hope all continues to go well!
My grandson(born on 6/19) came home on Father's day also:)

Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE! Congrats:)

Kevin and Kristen said...

I am so happy that they get to take their little guy home with them. Katie and Brad are such wonderful people, and I know that they are going to be wonderful parents! He sure is a cutie, and looks like such a sweetheart. I think there is nothing so precious than a new baby. I hope everything goes well for their little family.

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