Angela Colarulli, my great grandmother!! Another ancestor with a very beautiful name. Angela was born in San Felice Circeo, Italy in 1853.
San Felice Circeo, Latina, Lazio, Italy
About one hour south of Rome

About one hour south of Rome
Her parents are Lorenzo Colarulli and Maria Di Prospero. Angela married Giuseppe Di Maggio on October 20th 1884. October 20th is my birthday so that is kind of cool!! I found lots of information on this marriage record. I love Italian civil records!! They always have the mothers maiden names. So when I received this record I was very excited to add more surnames to my family history!!
Click to make larger.

There is another really cool thing about Italian records. You can tell if a parent was living at the time the record was registered. Notice it says "figlia di" before the parents name. That means daughter of, if they use "figlia fu" it means that the parent is deceased. So, that gives you a clue as to when those parents may have been living.
Angela and Giuseppi had at least seven children, Luigi, Emilio, Giovanni (who died as a baby), Natalino, Ascenza, Pio Celestino (my grandfather) and Maria Flaminia. Aren't those beautiful names?? I know that some of Angela's children came to the American continent and settled in Canada. I wonder how hard that would be to have your children leave you behind and go to another country. I'm sure she must have missed them terribly!! I'm always grateful for my ancestors who traveled far so I could be born Ameican. But, somehow I still feel sad for those who stayed in the "Old Country". At least we can be a forever family and one day I will ask her how she survived that heart break.
You know what? When our children--not yours, but anyone's children-- decide to leave the church, their covenants, etc. it is like loosing them. It would be easier to know they had gone to Canada--or anywhere--and were still strong in their faith. An odd thought but your last bit, about her loosing her children made me think of other kinds of loss. I'm happy you are finding such great information.
Your so right, Lynn!! Thanks for the comment!
Did you ask the city hall of San Felice to send you the copy of the marriage act? or was it registered yet in the archives of the LDS?
I'm with you, I love those names. They were "up to date" for these generations. My great-grand aunt's name was Angèle. My great-grandfather was Emile. But that's sure their name sounds more beautiful in Italian.
In a coming post, I'll show you that in France they were also noted changes in the marge of the act, as "décédé en... deceased in .. or they had "feu" + name of the person to express he/she was gone.
Always interesting to read your posts, specially those "family featuring", thanks to allow us to share these informations.
This particular record came from the city of San Felice. I do however have a copy of the "pubblicazioni di matrimonio" that I found on mircofilm at the LDS Family History library. It is much harder to read.
I love learning about your family Cindy. Thanks for posting these awesome articles on Fridays.
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