I was so happy when you were born to finally have a little baby girl! You were so beautiful, with all your dark hair and dark eyes. I got to hold you and nurse you and keep you beside me right after your birth! Such love, I felt for you! I still love you!

You never seemed to go through those terrible twos that most toddlers use to drive their moms crazy. You like to sit and cuddle and have stories read to you!!

This picture reminds of me of that Pilgrim girl you drew that won a first place blue ribbon.

Oh, look I found her. I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said the picture you drew was in the newspaper!! Your artistic abilities showed up at an early age!!

You have a wonderful sense of humor. I still don't know how you make that "fish face". But, Evan certainly loves his "fishy". How did that start anyway? There is some of your bunny collection in the background. How did that start anyway??

You were such a beautiful bride!! You have been a wonderful and a loyal wife. I really do admire you!!
Oh, what a touching tribute to your lovely daughter!
The fishy face is made by sucking your cheeks in between your teeth.
I love the picture of April and David. It is funny how they still have the same faces.
lovely, simply lovely. Both your sentiments and your daughter.
Happy Birthday to April!!
Hey I just read Katie's comment, and I totally agree about how they still have the same faces. I noticed that too. Its kind of cool!
I love the way you've kept April's drawing. It couldn't be otherwise!
(In a few years, I will also be able to show my children their "Art works".)
As many other things Cindy, I'm sure you keep/conserve for them. And all that beautiful memories!
What a beautiful new born! and a gorgeous bride!
Happy Birthday April. You are a sweetheart. So many memories...Remember when we lived closer and we would swap cousins to do something fun for the parents for Christmas. Or when we would have cousin sleepovers...the brown and the blue-eyed cousins all in sleeping bags all together in one room. Fun filled crazy days together. And now you will be a mom and develop more cousin power. Amazing things happen when you become a mom. Love Aunt Laurel
Thank you Mom! I love you, too!
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