my wonderful sister-in-law, Laurel!! Today is Laurel's birthday, so hopefully this will be a nice surprise for her. While she is not on my direct ancestor line (Laurel and I married brothers), she is like the sister I never had! We are part of the same wonderful eternal family!! Sometimes it is scary to us how much alike those two brothers can be, especially with their weird sense of humor. Laurel was the one who invited me to learn about the Gospel. I have no idea where I would be now without the Gospel in my life. How can you ever thank someone for something like that?? Laurel has a very kind heart and is very creative. She is a wonderful Grandma and always visits her grandkids with a suitcase full of surprises. I miss the times that we lived close, but we have done a great job of keeping in touch and helping our children stay in touch!!
Laurel, I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Birthday!!!
She looks like a fun grandma! I love the hat!!!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday from France Laurel. You're lucky to get Cindy as Sister in Law.
Cindy, I love the way you speak of family links, nobody stays outside!
Do Laurel would accept to adopt me as grand-children? If so, I look forward her arrival!
Thanks Cindy!!! You are a sweetheart. I remember that Christmas trip to visit you in Fortuna. It seemed like all the elements were against us getting together. The terrible sandstorm that shut down the interstate, the power outages and the rain. Heavenly Father opened a window for us to travel through and we made it. No power until Christmas Day, you finally get to cook and we announce that since it is Sunday we are going to church. I am so glad that you and Mike felt if it was that important to us that you would go too! That was a special day and a turning point in our lives. To me it is another example of the Lord's hand in all things.
Catherine I have never been to France but if I do I will be sure to stop in. :)
The hat was in honor of Dr. Seuss. A friend of mine had been asked to do a reading at the University Library for some children. At the very last minute her children were sick and she asked me if I would do it. Well I had a lot of fun and so did the children.
I did indeed have a happy birthday. I took the day off from work, stayed home and did some sewing, went with Richard to Sarah's house to take care of the yard, went to the temple, out to dinner with newly found friends from Canada that we met in the temple.
I believe in divine providence...this couple we met from Canada are looking for a house for some friends. We just happened to know of a house for sale. We shared the info on Sarah's house. Now all we have to do is pray it is the right house. Please pray for the right buyer to come and to purchase this house. Thanks.
Happy Birthday to your sweet SIL! What a treasure!
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