It's HOT!!
Gee, you would think it was summer!! It's almost 5 p.m. and it's 100 degrees in the shade on my front porch. There is no such thing as air conditioning in homes where we live because there are only a hand full of days that it gets this hot. We usually rely on the great big air conditioner called the Pacific Ocean, but it seems broken today!! I'm ready for our "June Gloom" fog to come back and cool me off!! On another note, Evan is having a great time at camp. I ended up calling the camp this morning because I was concerned about the heat ( Evan dehydrates easily) and wanted to be sure that Evan was drinking enough. The director said, he was having a blast, especially in the pool!! Apparently, he has become the "chick magnet" at camp. I'm so glad he is having fun!!
Go Evan!!! well would you like to come take a dip in the pool? We are getting afternoon thunderstorms and showers. It is still hot but not 100 degrees.
I've noticed that about places that are usually nice. When we go to CT it almost seems hotter than AZ because they aren't prepared to deal with the heat. They just suffer, while we have air conditioners EVERYWHERE!
LOL...Evan has been a chick magnet even online! My kids and I really liked his charm. I'm glad he's healthy and happy at camp!
It has been about 113 all week long here. The funny thing is that I bought a new phone today and in the handbook it said not to subject the phone to over 113 F. Haha!
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