Eighty-nine dollars!! That is how much it cost to fill our mini-van with gasoline today!! $4.57 a gallon!! My goodness!! I think that is just too much!! You may have noticed on my side bar, a link to American Solution's "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" campaign. They have a petition to sign that will ask "U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gasoline prices (and diesel and other fuel prices)* by authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries." I hope you join me in signing. Thanks.
YIKES $4.57 a gallon. I paid $3.91 today. I never let my tank drop below half during hurricane season. So maybe it is a false sense of spending but it is half the sticker shock at a time.
I paid $3.85 at Smiths. If you buy groceries you get a discount on gas. I got a 15 cent coupon (15 cents off a gallon of gas). It cost me over $50 to fill the van but that was considerably cheaper! Last time I filled up it was over $60!!
How about we just ask Congress to authorize drilling off shore. China signed a long-term lease to drill in Cuba, 50 miles off the coast of Florida. This is international waters but we can't drill there because of U.S. regulations. They will be slant drilling so that they will actually be drilling into U.S. waters but we can't get that oil!! It's ridiculous! I vote for drilling and refining oil in our own country. We have reserves in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge but we can't drill there because it's protected. There's also a find in North Dakota that's even larger. Oil has been found in Utah and Montana too. It drives me nuts!
1 gallon is 3,7854118 liters.
1 l costs 1,66 € in Paris
it makes 1,66 x 3,7854118 = 6,28 € a gallon
1€ = 1,5694$
6,28€ = 9,85$ a gallon. Welcome in France!
I will not complain about gas prices in Utah!! OUCH! Gas prices in France are so high. I would have to walk everywhere. I just can't afford that!
Oh, Catherine!! I heard gasoline was expensive in Europe. I guess we should not complain!! That is a lot of money. Just curious. How many miles to a gallon/liter of gasoline?? Do you own a car? Do you need one in a big city??
$4.15. My suburban holds 45 gallons. I have no idea when the last time I had it completely full was.
Sorry, Cindy, I haven't seen you commented by return.
Yes, Cindy we own a car, but thanksfully we use it the week end or on holidays because we live IN Paris (well-deserved with subway and buses). But many colleagues of my husband come from outside Paris to work and they're compeled to use their car daily. It costs a lot in one's budget. For us, too. Especially, people who live in country town where it is a necessity to own a car.
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