Saturday, September 6, 2008

52 BLESSING PROJECT - Week Thirty-Six

This may seem a little weird to people and will especially astonish my children but I'm grateful for:

Don't misunderstand however. I'm not a Star Wars fan by any means!!! But, I can see how much happiness it brings Evan. Evan is a die hard Star Wars Fan!! Here is what his bedroom looks like:

Evan's bedspread is full of Star War Characters

His walls are full of Star War posters!!

He has Star War M&M dolls!!

Who comes up with these ideas??

He has selves filled with Star Wars Legos and Mr. Potato Head!!

Evan's favorite Game Cube games are Star Wars Lego!
These are fun games, I even try to help him sometimes. However, I drive Evan crazy because I don't know the names of the characters!!

I like the fact that Star Wars is the classic good versus evil and the good wins!! Here is the certificate that Evan received from his Jedi Experience at Disneyland.
I like the part about a Jedi being guardians of peace and justice, and that a Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

I was so happy Evan was picked for the Jedi Experience at Disneyland. It was really for kids, (he is a kid at heart) and he still looks like a kid. He raised his hand and the Jedi who picked him said, "you with the podracer". That cracked me up, they picked other kids by what they were wearing. This activity was so fun to watch. They trained the group of about 30 kids in Jedi moves and then out comes Darth Vadar and Darth Maul!! Scary!! They let each child fight one of the villains. The first one who went up with just this tiny little kid, must have been four years old. It was great to see that little boy stand up to evil!! I was just smiling through the whole thing!! I guess I just love the symbolism of kids learning they can defeat evil!!

So, I am grateful that Evan has something that he really and truly can enjoy!! Isn't that what love is all about, you can appreciate things you don't really like youself, but you can see the good in it and you know it makes the other person very happy!!


Laurel said...

Thank you for your commentary on Star Wars...I think it runs in the family. There are Star Wars geeks here too...but not quite to the degree Evan has taken it. They do not have M&M dolls hanging in their room. However, I haven't checked under the bed. I am glad that Evan was picked. What a fun experience.

Aprilyn said...

That's awesome. We love the Lego Star Wars games on GameCube too but sadly, we sold our GameCube along with the games so now we have no Lego Star Wars. We need to get it on PS2. If you need tips, we're experts on those games! :)

Rachel said...

Well, you were right you certainly surpised me with what you pick. Evan is a die hard Star Wars fan but we love him for it. I'm glad Evan got picked as well, he had the hugest grin on his face.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

awwwwww great post!

Catherine said...

Hello, Cindy, I'm glab to read and write you again. I was so busy with the sart of the school year! So many official opapers to sign, each day! So many books to cover! many pictures to post, too : );
We have Stars War fans here too. Is there a little boy or a young man who isn't a fan? I wonder.
Evan get a nice bedroom.
My Gabriel don't really know Stars War yet. But I'm sure he 'll love his brother's star wars figurines in a couple of year.
Don't forget that Thomas will become a new generation of Jedi in your family! From dads to sons, daughters sometimes!

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