If you have never been to a Special Education graduation, you should go!! They are very touching. I went to my first one yesterday, to watch my amazing twenty-one year old son, Evan, graduate from public school. He started school at age three months, in the Infant and Toddler program. Of course, it was just once a week and I went with him. It was school nonetheless with a real teacher, and speech therapist, and physical therapist and other helpers. They were wonderful and I still have fond memories of that program. They helped me to become confident in my ability to help Evan reach his full potential. We progressed through pre-school, elementary school. Then came high school and the Independent Skills program. The ISP program is for the 18 to 22 year old's, who are not ready to leave the public school system quite yet. So, I'm not sure if it's accurate to say that Evan graduated high school. He doesn't have a high school dipoloma, but rather a cerificate of completion. I couldn't be prouder though. Evan has worked very hard. I'm not sure where the time went.

Evan getting his diploma. I have no idea who that man is who presented the diploma. Doesn't matter anyway.

We are proud parents!!

Evan getting his diploma. I have no idea who that man is who presented the diploma. Doesn't matter anyway.

We are proud parents!!
Every student that graduated had a friend from their program give a little speech about the graduate. Here is what Kristen said about Evan, it's hard to understand on the video.
"Evan and I met when we were five and in the same class. Evan is a good friend. he's smart, funny and likes to make people laugh by talking like Yoda. Evan is good at playing connect Four and he can beat all the teachers. Evan is an Eagle Scout. He collected 130 wheelchairs for others as his project. he plays Special Olympics power soccer, and likes to go on the internet and look up Star Wars. he does a weather blog and he likes Dave Hovde on the news. Evan will be going to the The Learning Center for his adult program. Thank you, Evan, for being my friend for so long. "
Looks like Evan is a hard worker! Great job, Evan! And, you are amazing parents! It is my pleasure to know and love you, Cindy!
Congratulations, Evan!! That is a big accomplishment! It must have been such a special event, thank you for sharing it with us.
Yay Evan! I am sorry we had to miss it. He looks so handsome in his cap and gown.
Congrats Evan! What a sweet tribute from his friend! It is good to have a friend for that long!
Congratulations to Evan! What a wonderful and hard earned accomplishment and what a special ceremony to be a part of. His friend's tribute is so touching!
Congratulations to Evan! Nice job. I am sure it was lots of hard work mixed in with some fun and good friends.
Hooray for Evan! I'm going to be teaching again this fall - HS Autistic Students! I should probably consult Evan for what to teach them (I'm used to little kids.)
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